Feedback are beautiful ideas. (Episode 179)


A few days ago, I did a speech for Management Events in Gothenburg, a great event with over 100 CxOs in the audience. In one of the breaks, the organizers asked me: “Fredrik, how would you make this event better?”

I have done over 2000 speeches in my career but I might only have gotten that question a handful of times. Of course, event organizers ask for feedback, but it’s usually by asking the participants to fill out a form. Here, the organizers were asking me, the speaker, for ideas.

It was a very well-organized event, but they wanted to make it even better, and by asking the external speaker, they got ideas from a person with a different perspective than the attendees.

People who feed on feedback are always hungry to become better. Always find new ways of getting feedback.

Which unexpected person could you ask for feedback?

And in the spirit of this post: What feedback would you give me (not as a speaker, but as a poster of creativity content)?

Please share your feedback by commenting on my post on LinkedIn.

Fredrik Haren – The Creativity Explorer




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