If you have heard me speak on creativity you most likely have heard me define an idea as how “you take (at least) two things and combine them in a new way”.
I love this definition as it shows how being creative is “just” about taking things we already know about and re-arranging them.
Over the holidays I experienced a great example of this. Flodoco (https://www.flodoco.com) has taken the concept of “private dining” and “boat cruise” and combined it to a “private dining on the water”.
The small round boats take 8 people (+ a captain) and you sit around a table where they serve your meal while you cruise along a lake.
It’s the best of a) private dining – it’s hard to imagine a more private place to eat and b) boat cruise – you are floating around on the water silently thanks to the boats electric engine.
In the private company of your friends, and and while enjoying your meal, you slowly move around enjoying the breeze and the amazing 360 degree view of Marina Bay in Singapore.
Better than a cruise. Better than a private table in a restaurant.
Two great things combined into something even better.
What two things do you love? What would happen if you combined the two?
No, it doesn’t always work. (There is a famous Swedish children’s tv-show (Magnus och Brasse) where the host describes how he loves sausage and loves cake so he makes a “sausage sugar cake” – perhaps not a great idea…)
But I love the idea that became the “Floating Donut” because it shows that we shall always look at making great things even greater. And it shows the infinite potential of creativity to improve on things by combining already great things into something even greater.