What could you imagine?Creativity inspiration from Sharkboy. (The World of Creativity. Episode 39)

What could you imagine?Creativity inspiration from Sharkboy. (The World of Creativity. Episode 39)

A quick interview with Achmat Hassiem. AKA “Sharkboy”, who I interviewed in Macau last week as we both spoke at the same conference. Sharkboy’s story is an amazing story about survival and comeback (he had his leg bitten off by a 5 meter shark and came back to win a medal in the Paralympics.) In this interview he talks about the need for creativity in competitive sports and about how he uses imagination to beat his competitors.

What could you imagine? How could you use imagination to help you win?[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGCsk1pXrxk[/embedyt]

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