Why learning to think in patterns will make you more creative – The Creativity Explorer & Ray Mak.

Why learning to think in patterns will make you more creative – The Creativity Explorer & Ray Mak.


Discover your creative potential by learning about how thinking in patterns can boost your creative capacity from this interview with Ray Mak, a YouTuber from Malaysia with more than 100 million views on his channel.


Creativity is all about combining things in unusual and unexpected ways, and when we learn how to think in patterns we can combine things on a grander scale. Thinking in patterns in an amazing tool to help your creativity reach a higher level.


Do check out his channel and listen to his songs. More about Ray Mak: You tube: htpps://www.youtube.com/raymak – 266,000 followers

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/makhonkit/

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/makhonkit

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raymakpiano



Fredrik Haren is The Creativity Explorer. For the last 20 years he has been traveling the world to learn as much as he can about human creativity. As a professional speaker on creativity and change he has been invited to speak in over 65 countries. He is the author of ten books, including “The Idea Book” which was included in “The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.”


Follow The World of Creativity with Fredrik Haren for more interviews with creative people from around the world. Remember: Creativity is not taught, it is inspired.

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